Coaching Education

Online Coaching Race Walking Course On USATF Campus

Dr. Christine Brooks, the USATF Coaching Science Instructor, and Ian Whatley, a Team USA athlete and coach specializing in race-walking, collaborated to create Coaching Race Walking, a new self-paced course available now on the USATF Campus. It offers essential knowledge for coaches aiming to help athletes progress from novice to early-stage advanced race walkers. The course also covers the topic of power walking, which is particularly popular among athletes in the masters age groups. Depending on the depth of your review, it will require approximately 6-9 hours to complete the online training. The course includes lessons on walking techniques, race walking teaching progressions, technique correction steps, and fundamentals of race preparation.

It’s self-paced and includes a transcript that can be run through Google translate to make this accessible in most languages. You do NOT have to be member of USATF to take the course, and can reside anywhere in the world.

How to register:

1. Login to your USATF Connect account if you are a member, OR, create a profile (free) from the course registration link.

2. Users creating a new profile will be asked to provide first name, last name, email address, and a password.

3. Next, click the Registration checkbox and follow the prompts to complete the purchase process.

4. Once you have purchased the course, click on the USATF Campus link (left-hand menu) within your USATF Connect profile to begin the online training.