WA Officials

GoldJeff Salvage
Maryanne Daniel
Reggie Weissglas
Solomiya Login
SilverAjay Padgaonkar
Alex Price
Dan Pierce
Faith Hogan
Susan Heiser
BronzeEd Richardson
Gary Westerfield
Jo Burrows
Marie VerMeer
Michael Roth
Ray Funkhouser
Roger Hall
Ron Daniel
William Pollinger

World Athletics Calendar Events Judging Requirements By Level
– If your event is on the WA Calendar, contact the needed Officials above to assure your event is staffed properly.
USATF’s World Athletics Calendar FAQ

GoldAt least 5 International Race Walking Judges (representing 4 countries) including the Chief Judge must be on duty. Notwithstanding their final number, all acting Judges must be chosen from either the International or Area Race Walking Judges Panels. This list
must be sent to World Athletics before the start of the competition.
SilverAt least 3 International Race Walking Judges (representing 2 countries) including the Chief Judge must be on duty. Notwithstanding their final number, all acting Judges must be chosen from either the International or Area Race Walking Judges Panels. This list
must be sent to World Athletics before the start of the competition.
BronzeAt least 3 International Race Walking Judges including the Chief Judge must be on duty. Notwithstanding their final number, all acting Judges must be chosen from either the International or Area Race Walking Judges Panels. This list must be sent to World Athletics before the start of the competition.